Grants and Funding for your Market or Market Organization


Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) - Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP), Regional Food System Partnerships, Due, May 16, 2022

Microgrant Program, Urban Food Connections of Utah, For agricultural producers selling at SNAP-authorized retailers. Usually due in October and March of every year. Due March 20, 2022

Specialty Crop Block Grant - Utah Department of Agriculture and Food, The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is a competitive grant program operated by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) in which funding from the United States Department of Agriculture is awarded to eligible applicants to support Utah’s specialty crop industry. This grant is open to producers, schools, trade associations, non-profits, farmers markets, farming and ranching co-ops, etc. headquartered in Utah. Potential projects may include a broad range of focus such as improving marketing, research, training, certifications, food safety, pest control, plant health and beyond for specialty crops. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to enhance the competitiveness of Utah grown specialty crops and benefit more than one producer or organization. Specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).” Due April 1, 2022.


Good Food Funding Guide - This is not a great program, but a list of government grants, foundation grants, loans and equity put together by New Venture Advisors.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) - The USDA has resources available to support local and regional foods, some of which are applicable to farmers markets. The USDA Programs in the Local Food Supply Chain chart highlights over 30 USDA grants, programs, and services in support of local food economies.

Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) - Farmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) and Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP), Regional Food System Partnerships, usually due in May.

Healthy Food Financing Organization - Targeted Small Grants Program and Technical Assistance for healthy food retailers and food enterprises.

National Institute of Food and Agriculture - Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, usually due in May. For programs aimed to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables of low-income shoppers. Grant will fund pilot programs, large-scale programs, and produce prescription programs.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Local Food, Local Places, no information has been released about funding in 2021. This not a grant program, but provides planning assistance to communities.

Healthy Food Financing Initiative - Focused on underserved rural and urban areas. See information about the 2021 funding cycle under Current Funding Opportunities above.


Microgrant Program, Urban Food Connections of Utah, For agricultural producers selling at SNAP-authorized retailers. Usually due in October and March of every year.

Shop in Utah grant - Please visit the Shop in Utah website for information on the next funding cycle.

Rural Economic Development, Utah - Contact your local field office for the most up-to-date information on funding opportunities. List of state field offices.

George S and Doris Dore Eccles Foundation - Accepting applications on a rolling basis. The community focus is most relevant to farmers markets, however, they may be other appropriate areas to apply for.

Kiva Microloan Program - The Women’s Business Center of Utah is a trustee of Kiva. Open application for 0% loans.

Resources/Assistance for applying to grants

General Grant Writing Tips for Success

What AMS grant is right for me?

Local Opportunity Zones - Is your market town designated as a Local Opportunity Zone? If so, you may be more competitive for some federal grants. Find out here.

Webinar: Crafting Winning FMPP/LFPP Proposals

Background and more information on Specialty Crop Block Grants from National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition