USU Research on Farmers Markets

Utah State University Extension has conducted research on a number of topics related to farmers markets in Utah and the surrounding region.

Marketing to Farmers Market Consumers

Web Marketing & Social Media for Utah Farmers, Kelsey Hall

Targeting Specific Consumer Types at Farmers’ Markets

J. Dominique Gumarikiza and Kynda CurtisUtah State University Extension

The purpose of this publication is to describe the consumer profiles and product features of importance for various farmers’ market consumer groups

Farmers’ Market Customer Priorities

J. Dominique Gumarikiza and Kynda CurtisUtah State University Extension

Farmers’ markets also provide consumers the opportunity to meet and communicate directly with produce growers. Growers may then educate consumers about their farm, products, and production methods.

Consumer Motivations for Attending Utah Farmers’ Markets

Jean Dominique Gumarikiza and Kynda CurtisUtah State University Extension

The major aim of this fact sheet is to inform existing and potential vendors about consumer primary motivations for attending FMs.

Fresh Produce Pricing

What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah

Kynda R. Curtis, Karli Salsbury, Veronica Pozo, Ruby Ward, and Carrie Durward, Utah State University Extension

Since pricing information is valuable for produce growers when estimating the potential profitability of various produce items, as well as market types and locations, this fact sheet provides a comparison of fresh produce prices at farmers’ markets and grocery stores in Utah. 

Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing

Kynda R. Curtis, Karli Salisbury, Ruby Ward, and Carrie Durward, Utah State University Extension

This fact sheet focuses primarily on farmers’ market price comparisons to assist fresh produce growers in determining which produce varieties have the highest premiums, the range of prices they can expect, and any considerations for production method, seasonality and market location.

Importance of Pricing Fresh Produce in Direct Markets: A Farmers' Market Example

J. Dominique Gumarikiza and Kynda Curtis, Utah State University Extension

The purpose of this publication is to explore consumer demand and responsiveness to changes in the price of fresh produce sold through local direct markets in Utah, i.e., farmers’ markets.


Photo credit: Akshay Nanvati on Unsplash